Friday 29 March 2013

Wittenham Clumps for Real Atmosphere and Magnificent Views

The British painter Paul Nash was inspired by Wittenham Clumps in South Oxfordshire.  He first encountered them in his late teens and was immediately enthralled by their atmospheric shapes and mystical associations. The Clumps became a rich source of inspiration and he returned to paint them many times during his life.

The Clumps painted by Paul Nash in 1935
The Clumps painted by Paul Nash in 1935 
Wittenham Clumps today close up
Wittenham Clumps today close up
Wittenham Clumps today from afar
Wittenham Clumps today from afar

The Clumps at Little Wittenham next to the River Thames, just south of Abingdon, are now owned by the Earth Trust Centre.  A great place to stop off on your walk along the Thames Path, enjoy the stunning panoramic view, the magnificent woodland, the wildlife  and learn about the work of the Trust.

Now that the spring has come the walking is good and it's a great time to plan a walking holiday.

Walk the Landscape

Early Spring is Nest Building Time

Robin holding grass in her/his beak

At last, sunshine and blue skies.
Time to plan a walking holiday?

Happy walking
Walk the Landscape

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Still in the Throes of Winter

Countryside north of Oxford
Countryside north of Oxford
Beautiful countryside, crisp cold weather.

Happy hiking
Walk the Landscape

Saturday 23 March 2013

The Ridgeway - A walk through 5000 years of history

The Ridgeway National Walking Trail

The Ridgeway follows, what is considered to be the oldest known trail in Europe, dating from the Stone Age, at least 5000 years ago.   It passes by Iron Age hill forts, Stone Age and Bronze Age burial mounds, and also the 3000 year old Uffington White Horse, carved on the chalk hillside, before reaching the Ancient Sacred Landscape and World Heritage Site around Avebury Stone Circle.

The modern walking trail is 87 miles (140 km) long, following the chalk ridge from Overton Hill, near Avebury, Wiltshire (in the West) to Ivinghoe Beacon, Buckinghamshire (in the east).

Anne at Ivinghoe Beacon, the eastern end of the Ridgeway
Anne at Ivinghoe Beacon, the eastern end of the Ridgeway
A view north from the Ridgeway over the rich farmland of Oxfordshire
A view north from the Ridgeway over the rich farmland of Oxfordshire
Walking down to Wendover on the Ridgeway National Trail
Walking down to Wendover
Beech woodland along the Ridgeway National Trail
Beech woodland along the Ridgeway National Trail
Country Inn at Goring-on-Thames, Ridgeway National Trail
Country Inn at Goring-on-Thames
Spring lambs in shallow chalk valley, Ridgeway National Trail
Spring lambs in shallow chalk valley
A well signed National Walking Trail, The Ridgeway
A well signed National Walking Trail
Bronze Age Round Barrows at Overton Hill,  the western end of the Ridgeway National Trail
Bronze Age Round Barrows at Overton Hill,
the western end of the Ridgeway National Trail
Dragon Hill and the Uffington White Horse, Ridgeway National Trail
Dragon Hill and the Uffington White Horse
first created on the hillside around 3000 year ago.
 The Cove Stones within Avebury Stone Circle, western end of the Ridgeway National Trail
 The Cove Stones within Avebury Stone Circle,
the largest Stone Circle in Europe.

A misty morning at the Avebury Stone Circle, Ridgeway National Trail
A misty morning at the Avebury Stone Circle
The end of the day at Avebury, the western end of the Ridgeway National Trail
The end of the day at Avebury at the western end of the trail
A really interesting walking trail, which has three natural sections.  From the east, the trail first follows the Chiltern Ridge with extensive beech woodland and red kites soaring overhead, before dropping down to the Thames Valley.  After the short distance along the banks of the River Thames (15 miles) the trail ascends again to the open landscapes of the North Wessex Downs, skylarks singing overhead and a some of the best  prehistoric sites in Britain.

Contact us to find out more.

Happy hiking
Walk the Landscape

Thursday 14 March 2013

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Tuesday 5 March 2013