Friday 29 March 2013

Wittenham Clumps for Real Atmosphere and Magnificent Views

The British painter Paul Nash was inspired by Wittenham Clumps in South Oxfordshire.  He first encountered them in his late teens and was immediately enthralled by their atmospheric shapes and mystical associations. The Clumps became a rich source of inspiration and he returned to paint them many times during his life.

The Clumps painted by Paul Nash in 1935
The Clumps painted by Paul Nash in 1935 
Wittenham Clumps today close up
Wittenham Clumps today close up
Wittenham Clumps today from afar
Wittenham Clumps today from afar

The Clumps at Little Wittenham next to the River Thames, just south of Abingdon, are now owned by the Earth Trust Centre.  A great place to stop off on your walk along the Thames Path, enjoy the stunning panoramic view, the magnificent woodland, the wildlife  and learn about the work of the Trust.

Now that the spring has come the walking is good and it's a great time to plan a walking holiday.

Walk the Landscape

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