Tuesday 31 May 2011

The Cotswold ‘Olimpick’ Games 2011

The Cotswold Olimpick Games are held each year on the Friday after the Spring Bank Holiday - so this Friday evening 3rd June at 7:30 on Dover's Hill above Chipping Campden, Gloucestershire.

They were first started in 1612 by Robert Dover, who through the games wanted to keep alive the spirit of medieval England and held annually until 1852. In 1951 the tradition was revived and games continue to be an annual event.

Highlights are the British Shin Kicking Championships, the Championship of the Hill, a torchlight procession and bonfire with fireworks.

A great place to be on a special summer evening.


Thursday 26 May 2011

A Royal banquet of lamb from the Cotswold Sheep

The lamb from the Cotswold breed of sheep served at the Pre-Royal wedding celebration hosted by the Queen, for European Royals, the Sultan of Brunei and Sheikh Hamoud Al-Sabah of Kuwait, was described as 'nothing short of perfect'.

The Cotswold breed of sheep, with it's characteristic fringe was almost extinct and in the 1960s when there were just 200 left in England. Numbers increased due to the work of the Cotswold Sheep Society and the move toward more sustainable agriculture, and now the 'Cotswold Lion' is frequently seen grazing the upland pastures.


Monday 23 May 2011

Olympic Torch to be carried through Cheltenham

The Olympic Flame for the 2012 Games will be lit in Greece and start its 8000 mile journey through the UK at Lands End in England on 18th May 2012. The cross-country race will take 70 days and 8000 inspirational people will be selected to carry it.

It arrives in Cheltenham for an overnight stop on Wednesday 23rd May on route between Bristol and Worcester and the town will host a celebration to honour the auspicious occasion.

For more information check out SoGlos.com.


Friday 13 May 2011

Gypsy Horse Fair, Stow-on-the-Wold - 12th May 2011

In 1476, King Edward IV chartered the fair at Stow-on-the-Wold. Today, the fair is held in the fields between Stow and Maugersbury twice a year, on the Thursdays nearest to the 12th May and 14th October.

Gypsies and travellers from all over the UK meet there, travelling in traditional caravans but more often in motor homes and four-by-fours - and their horses in boxes. The stalls sell everything the modern traveller could desire, from horses and vans to furniture, crockery, shoes, hair decoration and even wedding cakes.


Tuesday 3 May 2011

The countryside is a mellow yellow

What a contrast! The bright yellow of the flowering rape
and the deep blue of the cloudless sky.