Friday 23 May 2014

Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Procession

Stratford-upon-Avon, where William Shakespeare was born, is just a few miles from the beautiful town of Chipping Campden in the Cotswolds.

This year on Shakespeare's 450th  birthday, 23rd April, the annual procession was supported by hundreds of devotees from local schools, colleges and churches, national and international societies and organisations, as well as individuals, all wearing sprigs of rosemary for remembrance and carrying bouquets of flowers to lay at his grave. It also featured a very large birthday cake.

Band at the head of Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Procession
Band leading the Procession
Birthday Cake in Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Procession
The huge birthday cake celebrating Shakespeare's 450th birthday
Clergyman in Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Procession
A clergyman in the procession wearing a sprig of rosemary for remembrance
Flowers laid at Shakespeare's grave in Holy Trinity church following Shakespeare's 450th Birthday Procession
Flowers laid at Shakespeare's grave in Holy Trinity parish church
William Shakespeare is buried next to his family in front of the altar, and there is a bust of him on the left wall (see picture).   It is thought to have been modeled from a cast of his face taken shortly after his death on 23rd April, 1616, at the exact age  52.

You can also visit Shakespeare's birthplace and grave at the start of the Shakespeare's Way Trail, or as part of a customised walking tour through Classic Cotswold Towns and along the northern section of the Cotswold Way. Contact us to find out more.

Have a great summer of walks