Wednesday 4 December 2013

Berries bring colour to hedgerows along the Ridgeway National Trial

Spindle tree (Euonymus europaea) on the Ridgeway National Trail
Spindle tree (Euonymus europaea
The wood was used to make ‘spindles’ for spinning and holding wool in the old days 
Black bryony (Dioscorea communis) berries on the Ridgeway National Trail
Black bryony (Dioscorea communis) berries
The only species from the Yam family of plants in Britain. All parts of the plant are poisonous.
Old Man's Beard ( Clematis vitalba) on the Ridgeway National Trail
Old Man's Beard ( Clematis vitalba)
A climbing plant associated with devils and witches because it was thought to choke plants to death.
Rosehips ( Rosa canina) on the Ridgeway National Trail
Rosehips (Rosa canina)
One of the richest sources of vitamin C in plants, used for tisanes, jams ...  The fine hairs inside the hip are also used as itching powder. 
Happy hiking
Walk the Landscape

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