Monday 31 December 2012

The Classic Cotswold Tour, October 2012

Yee walking out of Blockley on the Classic Cotswold Walking Tour

Yee walking out of Blockley 

Hei leaving Bourton-on-the-Hill on the Classic Cotswold Walking Tour
Hei leaving Bourton-on-the-Hill 

Scene with sheep on the Classic Cotswold Walking Tour
Sheep along the route

We thank Siu Yee for providing the photos.

The Classic Cotswold Tour is a 3 to 6 day self-guided walking tour of the north Cotswolds, taking in famous towns and villages such as Stow-on-the-Wold, Chipping Campden and The Slaughter, and the beautiful Cotswold landscape.

Contact us to find out more.

Happy Walking

Sunday 1 April 2012

Glorious spring sunshine along the Thames Path

The Thames Path is an 184-miles National Trail, that follows the river for the whole length, from the source in the Cotswolds to the Thames Barrier, east of Greenwich.  The river meanders it's way through rich farmland and historic towns, such as Oxford and Windsor, before passing through the heart of the city of London, then onward to the estuary in the North Sea.

The walking is easy (the terrain is flat and the trail well maintained), the countryside picturesque and the pubs and inns are inviting - a good way to spend a relaxing break.

Here are a few photos of the trail in the fresh spring sunshine.

Passing through Ewen in the Cotswolds

The Rose Revived, Newbridge, near Oxford 

 Hazy sunshine near Windsor, west of London

The City Skyline from Wapping, East London 

Canary Wharf, East London

We organise walking holidays along the Thames Path.
We source good quality accommodation, arrange luggage transfer, provide walking guides and maps, and support in case of emergency.
Contact us for more information.


Thursday 15 March 2012

Thursday 8 March 2012

A proposal to shake up the English Rights of Way system

In February of this year, the Country Land and Business Association (CLA) proposed a 'radical shake-up' of the access and public rights of way system.  In their report 'The Right Way Forward', they recommend a rationalisation and ‘common sense’ approach to remove the bureaucracy and anomalies in the current regulations and administration of the system. 
Their proposals have infuriated organisations like The Ramblers and The Open Spaces Society who see this as the breaking of an agreement made two years ago within a working group set up to look at the future of rights of way.
Amongst the proposals are a reduction in the protection for existing Rights-of-Way making it easier for a path to be re-routed or closed.   They are also calling for the greater use of the 'Permissive' status (which is a transitory arrangement) for paths rather than the more formal definition of a footpath as a legally enforceable public highway.  Furthermore, they would like to bring forward the full implementation of the provision in the 2000 CROW Act, for claiming any historic pathway not previously recorded, which currently has a 2026 cut-off point. 
Another recommendation is that the responsibility for an individual's safety would become that of the individual who, if found not to be complying with the Countryside Code, would not be able to seek legal redress.
The proposals in the CLA's report are also particularly worrying when taken in the context of other Government initiatives such as those aimed at reducing environmental legislation, the Macdonald review of farming legislation and ongoing changes in planning regulations.

Wednesday 22 February 2012

The Ridgeway National Trail - east from Streatley

The Ridgeway is a National Walking Trail which follows the route of what is probably the oldest road in England.  Dating from Prehistoric times it runs for 87 miles (140 km) along chalk downs in central southern England, between  Ivinghoe Beacon, near Tring, Hertfordshire to Overton Hill, near Marlborough, Wiltshire. 

These photos, taken in February, show the eastern half of the route from Streatley in the Thames valley to the eastern end at Ivinghoe Beacon in Buckinghamshire.

You can join us to walk this trail from 22nd April to 1st May, 2012. Check out this link to the Ridgeway Tour to find out more .  

 Public house at Goring on Thames

 Walkers on the Thames Path

 The view west to Abingdon Power Station

 A well signed trail


 Snowdrops in St Botolph's churchyard, Swincombe

Oaks in the grounds around Chequers, the Prime Minister's country residence 

Beechwoods on the Chilterns 

Beacon Hill from Combe Hill, above Wendover 

Birches by the trail when dropping down to Wendover 

Ivinghoe Beacon at the eastern end of the Ridgeway 

The trig point at Ivinghoe Beacon, the end of the Ridgeway

You can join us to walk this trail from 22nd April to 1st May, 2012. Check out this link to the Ridgeway Tour to find out more .  


Tuesday 7 February 2012

Trail Dames Summit 2012

Are you a hiking woman living in the United States?
If you are, then how about joining a lively group of 'curvy' women to celebrate hiking, backpacking and the love of the outdoors.
The 2nd Annual Trail Dames Summit will be held from 8-10 June, 2012 at Durango, Colorado.
Check out Trail Dames Summit 2012 to find out more.
