Wednesday 16 February 2011

Shakespeare's Way - A 146 mile journey of imagination - Day 6

Day 6. The Chilterns: Britwell Salome to Marlow (20 miles – 32 km)

Day 6 takes us over the Chiltern Hills and back into the Thames Valley at Marlow. From Britwell Salome we start a gentle climb up the chalk escarpment to Cookley Green and from there on take an undulating route crossing dry valleys of the Chilterns with their beech woods and limestone grasslands. We leave the whitewashed and thatched cottages of the Thames vale behind and to find houses of brick and flint with red tiled roofs.

A Chiltern beechwood

Hambleden church built of flint with red tile roof

Stonor House

The pond at Rotten Row

Join us in spring, when the beech woods are resplendent with carpets of bluebells, on a guided walking holiday along (all or part of) the Shakespeare's Way from 22nd April to 1st May 2011.

Or hike independently on a self-guided walking tour and let us take care of the accommodation and luggage transfer.

Best wishes,

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